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Life In a Drop of Water

The winner of the "Life in a Drop of Water" public contest chosen by visitors

Domžale, 18th May 2019 - On Saturday 18th May 2019 an OPEN DAY was organised at the Domžale-Kamnik Central Wastewater Treatment Plant, which was attended by around 500 visitors from the municipalities of Domžale, Kamnik, Mengeš, Trzin, Komenda, and Cerklje na Gorenjskem. First, Toni Dragar, Mayor of the Municipality of Domžale, and Marjeta Stražar, General Manager of the CČN, addressed the visitors. Then the winner of the "Life in a Drop of Water" public contest was announced. The aim of the contest organised by the CČN was to raise awareness among the inhabitants and to encourage them to manage wastewater responsibly.

Among the four finalists, it was the visitors who chose the winner, and they chose the animated film "TV BULB Breaking News" by Irena Režek because they thought that it presented the importance of cleaning wastewater in a wastewater treatment plant in the most comprehensible and innovative way. The cultural part of the event was opened by the Godba Domžale brass orchestra with evergreen melodies followed by water displays performed by firefighters from the local volunteer fire brigades of Študa and Ihan. The programme continued with the performances of the Sovice dance group from Domžale and of the singers Eva Hren and Irena Yebuah Tiran, the latter also hosted the event, which all thrilled the audience.

Open Day 2019 - Life In a Drop of Water

TV Blub - breaking news

Exhibition of works on the topic of "Life in a Drop of Water" by Dragomelj Elementary School students

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JP CČN Domžale-Kamnik d.o.o.
Študljanska 91, 1230 Domžale, Slovenia
+386 1/ 72 46 500


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