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Open Day

2019 / "Life In a Drop of Water"

Open Day 500 Visitors at the Open Day at the Domžale-Kamnik CČN

Open Day 2019 - Life In a Drop of Water

The winner of the "Life in a Drop of Water" public contest chosen by visitors

Domžale, 18th May 2019 - On Saturday 18th May 2019 an OPEN DAY was organised at the Domžale-Kamnik Central Wastewater Treatment Plant, which was attended by around 500 visitors from the municipalities of Domžale, Kamnik, Mengeš, Trzin, Komenda, and Cerklje na Gorenjskem. First, Toni Dragar, Mayor of the Municipality of Domžale, and Marjeta Stražar, General Manager of the CČN, addressed the visitors. Then the winner of the "Life in a Drop of Water" public contest was announced. The aim of the contest organised by the CČN was to raise awareness among the inhabitants and to encourage them to manage wastewater responsibly.

Among the four finalists, it was the visitors who chose the winner, and they chose the animated film "TV BULB Breaking News" by Irena Režek because they thought that it presented the importance of cleaning wastewater in a wastewater treatment plant in the most comprehensible and innovative way. The cultural part of the event was opened by the Godba Domžale brass orchestra with evergreen melodies followed by water displays performed by firefighters from the local volunteer fire brigades of Študa and Ihan. The programme continued with the performances of the Sovice dance group from Domžale and of the singers Eva Hren and Irena Yebuah Tiran, the latter also hosted the event, which all thrilled the audience.

TV Blub - breaking news

Exhibition of works on the topic of "Life in a Drop of Water" by Dragomelj Elementary School students

2016 / The Upgrade of CČN - Grand Opening

On 26th October 2016, the grand opening of the upgraded plant took place. With this upgrade, the Domžale-Kamnik Wastewater Treatment Plant has become the fourth biggest municipal wastewater treatment plant in operation in the Republic of Slovenia. The upgrade has been one of the biggest ecological projects carried out by the municipalities of Domžale, Kamnik, Mengeš, Cerklje na Gorenjskem, Komenda, and Trzin. More than 500 visitors attended the event and received a symbolic gift, a small stone with an inscription "Water shapes a stone, the stone cleans the water", as a memento..

Irena Majcen, Minister of the Environment and Spatial Planning, was the keynote speaker, and together with the mayors of the 6 municipalities which co-own the plant she celebrated the successful completion of the project. The mayors expressed their pride and satisfaction and wished the plant all the best on its new path of sustainable development, which will contribute considerably to the improved ecological conditions in the Kamniška Bistrica, and consequently to the protection and preservation of water sources and groundwater ...

The cultural part of the grand opening hosted by Boštjan Romih featured the vocal group Baseless and the internationally renowned dancer Jurij Konjar performing an expressive dance choreography on the topic of water. The event began and ended to the sound of lively music performed by the Godba Domžale brass orchestra. Chlidren, who are our future, were included in the ribbon-cutting ceremony.

2014 / The Drop of Life - Open Day at the Domžale-Kamnik Central Wastewater Treatment Plant

On the first Saturday in September, an Open Day entitled A Drop for Life, an event that received a great deal of attention, took place at the Domžale-Kamnik Central Wastewater Treatment Plant (CČN). The event included a presentation of the operation of the existing wastewater treatment plant and of the plans for its future, more precisely of the upgrade of the CČN which will include the removal of nitrogen and phosphorus from wastewater.

Despite the rain, around 700 visitors gathered who, after enjoying part an interesting cultural programme, were taken on a tour of the CČN processes where they were familiarised with the background and future plans of the plant. Visitors were also acquainted with the costs which each municipality resident will need to pay for the purposes of wastewater treatment after the upgrade is finished. The tour concluded with information on the beginning of the plant upgrade project. The event was also attended by Mr Boštjan Petelinc, PhD, Acting Director of the Water and Investments Directorate of the Ministry of Agriculture and Environment, Mr France Jerič, Mayor of the Municipality of Mengeš, and Mrs Andreja Pogačnik Jarc, Deputy Mayor of the Municipality of Domžale.

In the accompanying programme hosted by Boštjan Romih the following participated: the Godba Domžale brass orchestra, the Cascara percussion ensemble, zitherist Tomaž Plahutnik and soprano singer Meta Matzele, as well as Peter and Andraž Vode. The event was accompanied by a painting exhibition on the topic of water organised by the cultural association Kulturno društvo Senožeti Radomlje and the paraplegic artists' association Zveza društva paraplegikov, among the latter also artists who paint with their mouth.

In addition, a number of paintings and drawings on the topic of water created by  students of the Dragomelj and Stanje elementary schools were exhibited at the site of the event; the Elementary School of Marija Vera Kamnik presented their project entitled Waters connect – water for a clean environment; and at and along the entrance to the event visitors were surrounded by the artistic photographs of Klemen Razinger. Visitors to the event expressed a great interest in the tour of the processes, complimented the hard-working and enthusiastic team and wished the wastewater treatment plant a successful continuation of its set business path which includes above all the provision of a high-quality wastewater treatment service at an affordable price.

2011 / The Domžale-Kamnik Central Wastewater Treatment Plant Decides to Celebrate Its 30th Birthday Together With Its Users

An open day entitled Life in a Drop of Water was organised and at the same time a really appealing publication for the event was published with the following thought by Mr Sauvage de Saint Marc on the cover: "Water, you are tasteless, colourless, odourless, we cannot define you, and although we taste you, still we do not know you. Life does not need you – you are life".

2007 / Operation of the Domžale-Kamnik Central Wastewater Treatment Plant Was Not Well Known to the Local Public

As everywhere else, here, too, clean waters had been taken too much for granted, and this was the reason we wanted to start raising awareness among the public about the importance of the wastewater treatment plant operations with the focus on bringing the operations of the plant closer to the public.

The response was extraordinary as around 150 curious and interested individuals appeared at the event. What was most exciting about the visit was the great interest of visitors in the operation of the plant, where they got the opportunity to study in detail a droplet of water under a microscope and listen to a lecture as prepared by our employees. After the official part of the event, we all relaxed a bit by enjoying a number of gourmet delights and good music.

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JP CČN Domžale-Kamnik d.o.o.
Študljanska 91, 1230 Domžale, Slovenia
+386 1/ 72 46 500


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